What is YMCK, YMCKO or YMCKOK? This refers to ribbons. Most card printers use ribbons that blend the primary colors to create full color images. Y = Yellow, M = Magenta, C = Cyan, K for Black and O for the clear overlay used to protect the surface of the card from scratches, fading and abraison. The YMCKOK ribbon is used on dual-sided card printers to save money by putting a black only panel on the back side of the cards. The result is more prints per ribbon spool and, thus, 50 or more cards printed per YMCKOK ribbon. What is the best camera to use? This depends on how you want to capture pictures. A web camera is good for simple live id picture taking in front of the card printer system with a backdrop. Any existing digital camera will also work fine because each software allows an import photo option. Some of the id softwares have custom written drivers for a specific digital camera to work as a live feed camera with the flash to auto trigger when the mouse is clicked. This is the ideal type of setup because it gives you the best quality photo ids for your cards with no time consuming photo import process. |